Sep 1, 2022
'#localmarketing - Jaret Newton, co-owners of Newton\'s Law of Fitness (https://nlfcnapa.com) discusses the software, tools, & coaching received through the Local Marketing Toolkit which literally is \"the reason we\'re still doing what we are doing\". Listen to Jaret\'s story before & after becoming a member of the RazoRSharp Networks family. #localmarketingtoolkit #facebookads RazoRSharp Networks Local Marketing, eCommerce environment is a high touch high results environment provided through the RSN technology stack. Work With Us: https://razorsharpnetworks.com/ Customer Review tools, software & coaching can be accessed through the \"Local Marketing Toolkit\" https://razorsharpnetworks.com/local-marketing-toolkit/ BizDezigner Network FB Jesse Razo HQ - http://bit.ly/JRazoHQ Twitter - http://bit.ly/BizDTwitter Pinterest - http://bit.ly/BizDPinterest YouTube - http://bit.ly/BizDezigner LinkedIn - http://bit.ly/JRazoLinkedIn RazoRSharp Networks Facebook - http://bit.ly/RSNFBPage Local Marketing Hacks - http://bit.ly/RSNLMH Twitter - http://bit.ly/RSNTwitter LinkedIn - http://bit.ly/RSNLinkedIn YouTube - http://bit.ly/RSNYouTubeVids ----------------------------------------- RazoRSharp Networks Marketing For Professionals & Small Business Owners 1370 Trancas St. # 709 Napa, CA 94534 Phone: 888.416.8108 Fax: 888.934.4777'
Tags: facebook marketing , local marketing , RazoRSharp , RazoRSharp Networks , local marketing toolkit
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