'Too Cold to Run? Burn 250 Calories With This 30-Minute Circuit | Hot Pilates | Female Fitness'

'Too Cold to Run? Burn 250 Calories With This 30-Minute Circuit | Hot Pilates | Female Fitness'
01:56 Oct 3, 2022
'Too Cold to Run? Burn 250 Calories With This 30-Minute Circuit | Hot Pilates | Female Fitness  In our Channel, we Provide best hot & sexy yoga and pilates videos, Hope You Guys Like it! Hot Pilates is an extremely chal­leng­ing full-body work­out using Pilates prin­ci­ples. There is no impact, so it is safe prac­tice for all fit­ness lev­els of students. And it makes you feel goooooood. How would you like to strengthen your core mus­cles so that you can eas­ily lift up your up kids or carry your gro­ceries? How about keep­ing your body feel­ing young, healthy, and strong? Would you like that? With Hot Pilates,  you will tap into that core strength. After one week you will notice the dif­fer­ence. The way you feel, the way you look, and all those compliments… And that is just scrap­ing the surface…The ques­tion is… Are you ready for the change? Are you ready to get fit? Are you ready to feel inspired? Are you ready to BURN the past, TRANSFORM your life, and LOVE your future?  Can you envi­sion your new body… now… A mat-based class tailored to HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) focused on various Pilates positions. This  type of work-out is made to improve your glucose metabolism, burn more fat, increase your endurance and build strength. This is a high heated class (96-100 degrees) Your entire core, glutes, and upper body will receive special attention. This  energetic class is  paired up with up-beat music to keep you motivated. Not to mention health and flexibility of the spine to train your muscles to work together; which will lead to good posture & strength throughout your body. Body Heat Hot Pilates & Yoga®\'s 60-minute hot pilates class blends the elements of traditional mat pilates and our much more contemporary hot pilates. The class offers a method of exercise and physical movement designed to stretch, strengthen, and sculpt the body as well as challenge and strengthen the cardiovascular system. This class is taught in a room heated to 100 degrees and 40% humidity to help the body stretch, detoxify and provide for an invigorating workout. It combines high intensity intervals and circuit training as well as pilates all perfectly choreographed to high energy and upbeat music to make you feel motivated, powerful and sexy! Body Heat Hot Pilates & Yoga®\'s 60-minute yoga class offers a total body workout designed to tone and sculpt every major muscle group. Using dumbbells (provided) you will move through a series of poses, or asana, that are linked together in a vinyasa style of flow. This style of yoga will help you build strength, flexibility and balance, plus it\'s a great way to firm up and tighten your body. This class is carried out in a room heated to 100 degrees with 40% humidity. Designed for anyone who is new to yoga or is interested in further instruction on postures and breathing, Body Heat 1 is a 60-minute yoga class that will help build strength and flexibility. Classes are taught in a room heated to 100 degrees with minimal humidity. It\'s a great way to introduce heat into your practice. What is Hot Pilates? Hot Pilates is a train­ing sys­tem which com­bines Pilates prin­ci­ples with high inten­sity inter­val train­ing and is per­formed in a room heated to 95 degrees Fahren­heit and 40% humidity. Why would you do Hot Pilates? Hot Pilates cre­ates long lean mus­cle mass, burns fat, and increases fit­ness lev­els. It cre­ates a stronger core, improves cir­cu­la­tion, and increases flex­i­bil­ity. It is per­formed on a yoga mat mak­ing it zero impact, pro­tect­ing your joints and mus­cles from the pound­ing of other exer­cises like run­ning and jumping. How does it work? Hot Pilates com­bines car­dio and mus­cle ton­ing in a heated room. The high inten­sity inter­val train­ing keeps your heart rate up, help­ing you burn fat. The Pilates prin­ci­ples sculpt you body, cre­at­ing long lean mus­cle mass. The heat loosens up the mus­cles quickly, and the humid­ity makes you sweat — ele­vat­ing your heart rate, boost­ing metab­o­lism, and pro­mot­ing detoxification. How do I get started? All you have to bring is 1) a yoga mat, 2) a towel, and 3) a large water. We offer intro­duc­tory rate for new stu­dents who want to try it out and monthly mem­ber­ships who wish to make Hot Pilates their reg­u­lar practice.' 

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