Mar 16, 2023
'The UK has unacceptable levels of food insecurity and dietary related ill health. Despite being the 6th largest economy in the world, over 8.4 million people living in UK households report having insufficient food and 13% of healthcare costs are from diet-related ill health. Farmers and food system activists argue that local food systems play a significant role in improving access to healthy, affordable food for everyone, regardless of income, status or background. However, policy makers often see agriculture, food and health as distinct areas. In this session, Henry Dimbleby (DEFRA), Dee Woods (Grenville Community Kitchen), Victoria Williams (Food Matters) and Jyoti Fernandes (Landworkers\' Alliance) join Vicki Hird from Sustain to explore how a food strategy for the UK could provide pathways towards improved local food systems and access to healthy, affordable food for all.'
Tags: conference , Real , oxford , farming
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