'Use my code \"HOME10\" to get the offer. Price Hike From 1st April WBPSC - https://unacademy.com/goal/west-bengal-public-service-commission/UQCMN/subscribe WB Banking: https://unacademy.com/goal/wb-banking/VYYUP/subscribe WB SSC & Railways: https://unacademy.com/goal/wb-ssc-railways/EGBSG/subscribe WBP & General Combined: https://unacademy.com/goal/wbp-gen-combined-exams/UMTAN/subscribe Join Telegram & Stay updated- https://t.me/HOMEOFLEARNING WBP CONSTABLE RESULT EXPECTED DATE - https://youtu.be/GbnqOH99XMo Our Website -Homeoflearning.in WBP CONSTABLE PRELIMINARY EXAM EXPECTED CUT OFF - https://youtu.be/U3JwoQhYY5Q THE FOLLOWING TOPICS ARE RELATED In continuation to the Commission’s Notice No. 71-Con/PSC dt. 30.09.2021 regarding Clerkship Examination, 2019, the Commission has decided to call 9693 candidates of different categories in order of merit from the merit list published under the Commission’s aforesaid Notice dt. 30.09.2021 to appear for Computer Type Test as per schedule to be fixed by the Commission in due course. The list of 9693 candidates is given in Annexure-A. Candidates are being called in the ratio of 1:1.4 against vacancies in the respective categories in order of merit. All candidates securing the same marks as that of the last selected candidate of that particular category have been called for the Computer Type Test. Candidates will appear in Computer Type Test subject to their being eligible after document verification. Candidates have to qualify in the Computer Type Test to be eligible for being enlisted in the Final Merit List subject to the condition that the candidates will fulfill the eligibility criteria as stipulated in clause 4 of the advertisement No. 05/2019 [ability to read, write and speak in Bengali (not required for those candidates whose mother tongue is Nepali) vide Finance Dept. Notification No. 1243-F(P) dt. 02.03.2016]. The recommendation will be made from the Final Merit List as per available vacancies in the respective categories. It may be noted that mere appearance in the Computer Type Test and/or qualifying in the same does not guarantee employment/appointment. Before the Computer Type Test, verification of documents will be undertaken in online mode. Candidates will have to upload their documents by accessing the link at https://wbpsc.examsonline.co.in between 12.00 noon on 22.12.2021 and 12.00 midnight on 05.01.2022. Instructions for uploading of documents are given at Annexure-B and Annexure-C below. If any candidate fails to upload relevant documents within the stipulated date and time, it would be presumed that the candidate is not interested to take part in the Computer Type Test and his/her candidature will not be considered for the Final Merit List, irrespective of marks obtained in written examination, without any further reference to him/her. 1. The Commission shall have the discretion to fix qualifying marks in Part-I and each group of Part-II and the aggregate of the examination. It shall also have the discretion to relax such qualifying marks in the cases of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward classes candidates of West Bengal. 2. The Commission shall hold Part-I examination at the first instance. A limited number of candidates obtaining qualifying marks in the Part-I examination will be allowed to appear in the Part-II examination on a subsequent date to be notified by the Commission and the final merit list shall be prepared on the basis of total marks obtained in the 2 parts provided the candidates have been found qualified in the test judging elementary knowledge in computer operation and ability of typing on the computer. 3. Meritorious Sportspersons in the area of International Competition, National Competition, Inter-University Tournament, and National Find Us Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Homeoflearning.in Website https://homeoflearning.in/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/homeoflearning.in/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Homeoflearning2 Pinterest https://in.pinterest.com/Homeoflearningin LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/home-of-learning-042956215/ MySpace https://myspace.com/homeoflearning #Homeoflearning #WBPSCFOODSI #WBPSC #pscfoodsiupdate #foodsicaseupdate #pscfoodsi #wbpscupdate #foodsicourtcasenews #pscfoodsicasenewupdate25thjanuary2022 Copyright Disclaimer: - Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for FAIR USE for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of FAIR USE. HOME OF LEARNING'
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