'In today’s video Show Up Fitness teaches you about the 17-actions of the shoulder with online instructor & mentor Katie from Memphis. This comes to show the value in SHOWING UP! https://showupfitness.uscreen.io/ SIGN UP ONLINE TODAY http://www.showupfitness.com for access to our ONLINE INTERNSHIP which includes LIVE zoom videos, instructor interactions, access to our study guides to NASM, NSCA, ACE, CSCS and over 100-hours of recorded videos on anatomy, programming and LIVE sessions. CSCS PREP: STUDY GUIDE to pass CSCS within 60-days. We have bi-weekly zoom classes that help you understand the CSCS material, ask questions and learn how to become a strength coach. We have DPT\'s, Trainers and all sorts of fitness professionals taking our classes! NASM / ACE study guide. With 40-pages of chapter breakdown and test questions, you will become a certified personal trainer within 60-days. We’ve helped over 2,000 become certified personal trainers. THE BOOK: How To Become A Successful Personal Trainer. With interviews from top trainers and strength coaches: Bret Contreras, Brett Bartholomew, Tony Gentilcore, Meghan Callaway, Erica Sutter, Marc Megna, Jordan Syatt, and many more! Show Up Fitness Internship IN-PERSON: If you want to become a successful personal trainer, you need to SHOW UP to one of our 2-month internships programs in San Diego, Los Angeles, or Austin. You’ll workout daily, learn anatomy & how to program, work with fitness professionals, shadow personal training sessions, and gain supervised experience. Show Up Fitness Internship ONLINE: Become a personal trainer ANYWHERE in the world with Show Up Fitness ONLINE internship. Learn how to program, anatomy, nutrition, how to grow your social media and be able to ask questions to fitness professionals. Show Up Fitness Internship WEEKEND SEMINARS: 2-day seminars all around the world teaching you how to program and train clients to build your confidence. You’ll learn more in 2-days than ANY certification. 2022 schedule: Philadelphia, Austin, New York Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland, Miami, Chicago & London. 1-1 private Personal Training in Santa Monica, La Jolla, West Hollywood and Austin Texas. Work with the world’s best trainers privately at our boutique gyms. Instagram Show Up Fitness & Show Up Fitness Internship. Learn more ABOUT SHOW UP FITNESS & CHRIS HITCHKO: Chris Hitchko BS Kinesiology, CSCS, Teacher of trainers at Show Up Fitness (13 years total, 7 at National Personal Training Institute and 6-years at Show Up Fitness Personal Training Internship.) Show Up Fitness has private personal training studios in West Hollywood, Santa Monica, San Diego. California & Austin Texas. We’ve helped over 2,000 people pass the NASM-CPT, CSCS and ACE certifications with our study guides. You don’t need to read the textbook or read it from cover to cover. Pass the “best” personal training certification and then spend your time learning anatomy, movement, nutrition, programming, and training clients to gain experience. The average certified personal trainer gets hired at Equinox, Lifetime Fitness, 24-hour Fitness, Crunch Fitness and quits within 12-months because they don’t understand the business side of training, programming or how to sell. At Show Up Fitness we teach the key movement patterns: Squat, Hinge, Push, Pull, Jump, and uni-lateral which translates into the main exercises in the gym: Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, Military Press, Lunge, Hip Thrust, Pull-Up, Push-Up, Turkish Get-up, and dumbbell rows.'
Tags: online trainer , how to become a successful personal trainer , how to become a trainer , show up fitness internship , shoulder anatomy , nasm study guide , online internship , personal training internship , become a trainer , how to pass nasm , nasm trainer , fitness internships , shoulder actions , nasm anatomy , how many muscles around the shoulder , 17 muscles of the shoulder
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