'PERSONAL TRAINER TIPS: Vast Fitness Academy’s online mentor, Amy Fox demonstrates how a Personal Trainer can safely and effectively spot their client when performing the ‘Barbell Squat. This instructional video also discusses: - The importance of keeping yourself safe as the ‘spotter’ - The best position ad technique for spotting the ‘Barbell Squat’ - When to assist/spot the movement - Placebo effect - Female trainers spotting male clients - Using the legs to assist the movement as opposed to your upper body - Personal space and professionalism when squatting the squat - Appropriate times for using a ‘safety bar’ - Spotting female clients during the squat'
Tags: personal trainer , online personal trainer , fitness instructor , online coach , fitness professional , fitness instruction , online education , powerlifter , Vast , squat technique , correct technique , cert 4 in fitness , cert 3 in fitness , study online , vast fitness academy , vast fitness , online pt course , online cert 3 course , vfa , spotting the squat
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