'Do you think fitness should fit you well and make you well in body, soul and spirit? This Christian fitness stretching workout is great to end our cardio section from the last video. Develop your flexibility with this Christian Alternative to Yoga we call WholyFit Gentle Body POWER.It\'s great for weight loss, in fact, gentle exercise is better for weight loss than intense exercise that stresses our minds and bodies! This home exercise video is so comfy but so effective! Whole fitness - holy and fit! Ask me how to KNOW you will go to heaven. Thank you for choosing WholyFit! Like I promised, here is Part 3, the Gentle Body POWER stretch at the end of our Ballefunkarate workout. Does anyone know who the female artist is in the last song? Please let me know so I can put it into the closed captions? I have the CD somewhere, but it\'s over 15 years old and now I can\'t find it! it\'s not listed in i-tunes either. MUSIC: Feel Your Love by ARTY Album: Glorious Holy And Anointed One by Sonicflood Album: Sonicflood Lord Take My Life Unknown female artist Do you think fitness should fit you well and make you well in body, soul and spirit? Then WholyFit is for you - home exercise videos that are so comfy! Thank you for choosing WholyFit! Please Subscribe? If you like a video please give us a thumb up and share? By the way, I do this for free... I make no money... This is a sheer project of love and joy! for you! If you like these videos, please consider getting our high definition series of videos: https://vimeo.com/wholyfit/vod_pages ▶ You can also support us directly by visiting our website at https://www.wholyfit.com/donate Are you interested in any of the other gear Laura uses, including cameras, lighting, editing software, or exercise mats? Let us know in the comments, and we can post some links to those products. Meanwhile, check out some her gear here: Do you want workouts that are UNIQUE AND ORIGINAL? I literally make up the NEW ORIGINAL exercise systems by subscriber request. For example, see Ballefunkarate! Please TALK TO ME in the comment section of every video and suggest workouts... any kind of exercise, any fitness level. Hi! I\'m LaLa, WholyFit Founder, a Los Angeles, LLC owned and operated soley by CHRISTIAN WOMEN. Visit me on my facebook and let\'s get to know each other! facebook.com/wholyfit Become a super-subscriber and activate the little notification bell (next to the Subscribe button) to be notified each time a new workout is posted. Devotional Exercise helped me overcome chronic illness and clinical depression. I created Gentle Body POWER - stretching while meditating on Scripture. I call this mode of exercise, \"Devotional Exercise\" never \"yoga.\" I avoid yoga, as it does not resonate with my heart. Devotional Exercise does. And guess what, others all over the world feel the same way! You can get trained to teach Gentle Body POWER and other fitness classes safely. Get certified online at wholyfit.com. Thanks to the many WholyFit volunteers who generously give their time to offer our services at no charge. DISCLAIMER: By your participation you agree to assume your own risk of injury exercising with these fitness videos. WholyFit, Fitness Pros for Christ, the Board of Directors and Laura Monica are not responsible for any injury you incur from exercising with these videos. We recommend checking with your doctor before exercising. #WholyFit #dancinggramma #wholyfitlife admin: this is part 3, bfk 6'
Tags: low impact , home workout , Weight loss , yoga , cardio workout , exercise at home , stretching , yoga for weight loss , yoga for beginners , yoga workout , flexibility , Christian yoga , flexibility yoga , christian workout , Christian Exercise , stretching workout , yoga stretch , Christian stretching , wholyfit , wholly fit , whollyfit , holy fit , holyfit , stretching yoga , christian alternative to yoga , holy yoga , stretching for beginners
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