'I could not sleep before my 5 AM orangetheory class so, I decided to start the vlog the night before. Another 5 am OTF vlog with a full day of eating but, I was struggling to eat from anxiety on this day while filming so, I had to just stick to what I could stomach! I pretty much ate the same foods but, there are screenshots from My Fitness Pal for each!! Keeping it REAL! However, this is one of the last videos and I’ll be forced to be eating the same foods because I’ll have more time to plan out new and different meals ... Exciting announcements on the way just not really in this vlog. Xoxo Fitty My previous 5 AM vlog: https://youtu.be/fEKonsgmVQo OTF flew me out to Florida for a storytime vlog: https://youtu.be/iEC6swo9jfY Bella + Canvas masks on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/finds/post/photo/d460b16f-96e6-4088-a73e-fc8efcaa41db?programId=8af65eae-b2c6-4642-a988-dc519b0bef1e&ref=exp_si_spark_fittyfreckles&cancelCallback=%2Fshop%2Ffittyfreckles&domainId=influencer If you shop with my my amazon link above I\'ll get a commission, so thank you! sign up. https://gopuff.com/r/GOB4MDXJX https://linktr.ee/fittyfreckles FITCHES - Fitty Freckles Merch https://teespring.com/FittyFitches FRIDAY JUNIOR - Fitty Freckles Merch https://teespring.com/friday-junior JUST SHOW UP - Fitty Freckles Merch https://eattoevolve.us/ 20% off your first order Code: FITTYFRECKLES My Favorite High Volume Low Calorie Meals: Ebook: https://fittyfreckles.com/product/chef-fitty-wit-it-volume-1/ ♡INSTAGRAM: @FittyFreckles https://www.instagram.com/FittyFreckles/ ♡BUSINESS CONTACT: fittyfreckles@gmail.com'
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