'Full Body Cardio & Core Workout from Sweat Factor with Sam is an awesome 18 min full body-sculpting workout routine that targets the upper body, lower body and core with cardio burst intervals to incinerate fat, sculpt muscle and deliver total body results from head to toe! Turn up the burn and challenge yourself as you engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously with this high-octane fitness combo that cycles 4 rounds of exercise for 45 second intervals with 15 second rest periods in between that will re-define your body fast. Give it all that you’ve got as you work the arms, abs, legs, booty, back, obliques, shoulders, chest and thighs with Fitness Expert & Shred Camp Trainer, Sam. Strengthen the core and boost the metabolism with effective series of result driven moves like spider push-ups, alternating reverse curtsy lunges, high knees, plank rotations and more from the body-shredding “Sweat factor” Fitness Series! Become your best and build a stronger and healthier new you with Sweat Factor, You will need a towel and a bottle of water to complete this effective workout that can be modified to fit all skill levels by adjusting reps, speed, form and rest periods. Get the results you are looking for now! Tune in to the BeFiT Channel weekdays for newly uploaded fitness videos featuring your favorite trainers. Click here for more Shred Camp Workouts Sweat Factor: http://www.sweatfactor.com/sweatfactor/shred-camp-sweatfactor/ Get more out of your workout! Click here to find out how: https://www.befitfitnessnutrition.com/supplements/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=befitburn&utm_campaign=anno Check out the Sweat Factor Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/SweatFactorTV Click here for the official Sweat Factor Website: http://www.sweatfactor.com/ Click here to sign up for the free BeFiT newsletter for workout tips, recipes and more! http://lionsgatebefit.com/?utm_source=anno&utm_medium=youtube&utm_campaign=top10 Click Here to Subscribe to the BeFit channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Befit For full selection of great workouts like this one, visit the BeFit Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/befit Check out our official website at: http://www.befit.com/ Check us out on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/befit Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/befit Follow us on Instagram at: http://instagram.com/befit Check us out on Google+ https://plus.google.com/104994741925506474033/posts Check us out on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/befit To purchase DVD\'s, Check out the Lionsgate Fitness store at: http://www.lionsgateshop.com/search_results.asp?type=fitness&GenreId=8'
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