'Resilience Exercises -- Shin Raises, Straight Knee Calve Raises, Bent Knee Calve Raises'

'Resilience Exercises -- Shin Raises, Straight Knee Calve Raises, Bent Knee Calve Raises'
02:54 Feb 17, 2022
'00:00 - 00:43 SHIN RAISES is a Resilience Exercise that Harmonizes the necessary Ankle and Knee strength coordinating and contracting the tibialis anterior muscle and optimal dorsiflexion.    CUES: 1️⃣ Fully extend knee (straight leg) hips against wall and feet together about 1-to-2 feet from the wall.  The exercise is more challenging the further from the wall.  Start close enough you can get full range-of-motion in the ankle.  2️⃣ Keep knees extended and push through the heels while pulling the toes as high off the ground as you can.  Dorsiflex the ankle to fullest range-of-motion, hold for a few seconds, and relax back to flat feet on the ground.  Repeat for 20repetitions, if unable to maintain the full function then bring the feet closer to the wall and finish repetitions.   00:44 - 01:45 STRAIGHT KNEE CALVE RAISES is a Resilience Exercise that enhances ankle strength by developing foot and lower leg muscles to engage, stabilize, and function at full range of motion.  CUES: 1️⃣ Stand about arms length from the wall and lean towards the wall with heels on the ground, straight line from spine through hips and knees.  Keep posture straight while pushing through big toe and mid foot to raise heels off the ground.    2️⃣ Lower heels back to the ground slowly (eccentrically) and feel the bottom of foot through the heel, Achilles, and calve all contract together to raise heels off the ground.   01:46 - 01:53 BENT KNEE CALVE RAISES is a Resilience Exercise that enhances ankle strength by developing foot and lower leg muscles to engage, stabilize, and function at full range of motion.  CUES: 1️⃣ Stand about arms length from the wall and bend knees as close to the floor/wall as you can with heels on the ground.  Keep posture straight while pushing through big toe and mid foot to raise heels off the ground.  Knees remain bent, the whole body is raised while in the same position as from the start.  2️⃣ Lower heels back to the ground slowly (eccentrically) and feel the bottom of foot through the heel, Achilles, and calve all contract together to raise heels off the ground.  It can help to squeeze the heels together creating a connection for both feet and ankles to work together.  Also, contracting the glutes to keep the hips forward helps maintain body position and balance.' 
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