'Indian cricketer Virat Kohli looks back on the importance of his training at West Delhi Cricket Academy and the physical discipline from his coach Rajkumar Sharma that he regards as hard but important lessons in shedding his ego and focusing on contributions to the team. The full interview with Virat Kohli is available on the In Depth with Graham Bensinger Podcast, available at the links below and wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts: Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/4m54pz7n Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/yhm2e6za Stitcher: https://tinyurl.com/k8utn9z4 Want to see more? SUBSCRIBE to watch the latest interviews: http://bit.ly/1R1Fd6w Episode debuted nationwide in 2019. Watch full episodes each week on TV stations across the country. Find the airing time and channel for your city: http://www.grahambensinger.com/index.php/when-where-watch Connect with Graham: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GrahamBensinger TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GrahamBensinger INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/grahambensinger WEBSITE: http://www.grahambensinger.com/'
Tags: life lessons , Cricket , Virat Kohli , Graham Bensinger , cricket coaching , cricket coach , virat kohli ipl , Virat Kohli Cricket , Virat Kohli Indian National Team , Virat Kohli Indian Premier League , Virat Kohli career , Virat Kohli early career , West Dehli Cricket Academy , Rajkumar Sharma
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