'FREE 5-Day MINI CHALLENGE ➭ https://goo.gl/uESKBx ▼▼▼ OPEN for exercise + calorie info ▼▼▼ SUBSCRIBE to the Pahla B Fitness Channel ➭ http://goo.gl/C9CG6w Let\'s RUN Podcast on Soundcloud ➭ https://goo.gl/jvjZVB and iTunes ➭ https://goo.gl/R3Wfnb Sponsor a workout with PATREON ➭ https://www.patreon.com/PahlaBFitness FUN + effective at-home WORKOUT PROGRAMS ➭ http://goo.gl/AqoKqd It\'s the #HOT100 - quick, sweaty and FUN workouts to get you through the long hot summer! Ready for shapely TANK TOP ARMS? This short (under 15 minutes) SCULPT + TONE workout is your ticket to the gun show! Simple UPPER BODY exercises performed with HEAVY DUMBBELLS nice and close to the ground. Bonus: #realtalk about how to get rid of back fat! (see full workout breakdown below) All the #HOT100 Workouts ➜ https://goo.gl/d3B3kB Difficulty: Level THREE Equipment: Set of HEAVY DUMBBELLS Time: 15 minutes WORKOUT SETUP: Complete each exercise for 10 reps; repeat the circuit twice MAIN WORKOUT: Chest Presses Lat Pullovers Side Plank Press Ups Quadruped Row with Triceps Kickback Warm Up: https://youtu.be/RpxBr2XMDzE Finisher: https://youtu.be/f-5YOeII2jM Be sure to leave a COMMENT, I love to hear from you! ★ FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/zBKGjy ★ SOUNDCLOUD: https://goo.gl/jvjZVB ★ iTUNES: https://goo.gl/R3Wfnb ★ INSTAGRAM: http://goo.gl/tytrte ★ PINTEREST: https://goo.gl/yZL0bN ★ STRAVA: http://goo.gl/eX8x66 ★ KILLER B HIVE PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP: https://goo.gl/fqtMXU ★ KILLER Bs and BROs Co-Ed FACEBOOK GROUP: https://goo.gl/p6Y41V ❤ Pahla B Fitness: Fun Workouts + Friendly Encouragement ❤'
Tags: Pahla B , upper body workout , dumbbell workout , 15 minute workout , arm workout , shoulder workout , dumbbell workout for women , tank top arms , Upper Body Workout for Women , 100 day workout challenge , toning workout for women , hot 100 , Pahla B HOT100 , upper body sculpt , 15 minute upper body workout
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