Sep 27, 2022
'Get My Greatest Posture Info & Tips Here: http://madmimi.com/signups/225816/join Thumbnail Image From © Sebastian Kaulitzki / Fotolia ************************************************* The torso rotation exercise machine for your oblique muscle is commonly seen in gyms. However, just because you see something being used in a gym doesn\'t mean that it is safe. What makes this ab machine dangerous is that your spine is moving, while your pelvis is kept stationary. This places an excessive twisting force on your spine. Not only can this be harmful to your discs, it can also really stress a muscle called the Multifidus, which plays a major role in controlling the movement between your vertebral bones. If you do develop low back pain from this exercise, the Multifidus can become inhibited. This will lead to even more back pain. There are way better and safer exercises you can do to workout your Oblique muscle, such as side planks. Try that exercise out and ditch the torso rotation machine and your body will thank you! ********************************************** Follow me on Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/fitnessoriented/ Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/FitnessOriented Follow me on Google+: plus.google.com/+FitnessOriented'
Tags: oblique muscle , low back pain , oblique exercise , ab machine , torso rotation , fitness oriented
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