'I commented over my first **full** view of Vince Sant\'s latest YouTube ad \"four foods that destroy your bodies ability to make and use testosterone.\" The ad itself is almost an hour and a half long -- and this video on it is almost two hours as a result. I give this ad an \"F\" grade as far as good marketing, and I don\'t know how good the supplement is -- after the first hour he talks about the four foods to avoid and 5-9 foods Vince claims as testosterone supporting nutrients, puts it into a pill which is the point of this video-- and his supplement product might actually be backed by research. Let\'s keep the product (Test Boost Max) and the marketing separate for now. There is one or two great parts of this video, but it is godly far too long. Would have been better as an education series. Join our discord! https://discord.gg/Qhjxp7CmQs ***************************************************************************************************'
Tags: Shred , not , vshred , vince sant , vshred review , cortisol , supplement review , Testosterone Boosting Foods , vinsanity review , sculpnation , sculptnation review , all natural testosterone booster , how to market a supplement , who is vince sant , does test boost max work , foods supplements , testosterone ads , four testosterone destroying foods , scultnation review , vince sant review , test boost max review , fitness marketing review , v-shred , v-shred review
See also: