'Humerus Progress & My 5 Year Natural Transformation'

01:56 Jan 24
'What is Humerus Progress?   Well, this is the channel where I update my progress twice a week to keep track of how I\'m doing and to show you what a natural bodybuilder can do week by week, month by month, year by year.   If you fall out of the gym routine for a while you can take solace knowing that when you come back I\'ll still be here grinding it out day by day and there\'ll be videos to prove it.  This channel is here to motivate you and give you an in depth look of the life of a real natural bodybuilder.  I hope you enjoy watching my full 52 week transformation and if you think it\'s inspiring, please feel free to share it!  DON\'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE!!   My Comedy Channel: http://www.youtube.com/areyouawarebro My Fitness Channel: http://www.youtube.com/humerusfitness Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/meatheadbrian Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thicksolidtight Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Humerusfitness' 

Tags: bodybuilding.com transformation , humerus progress 1 year transformation , 1 year natural bodybuilding transformation , time lapse bodybuilder transformation , brian turner transformation , bodybuilder huge transformation , full body physique transformation , amazing transforamtion , humerusprogress subscriber trailer , teen transformation of the week , massive transformation , from nerd to bodybuilder

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