'Orangetheory –Toughest Workout We’ve Done!? (Get Jacked)'

'Orangetheory –Toughest Workout We’ve Done!? (Get Jacked)'
06:32 Jun 18, 2021
'Thanks to Secret Active for sponsoring this video.  Learn more: http://bit.ly/secretactive  Erin & Jarrett get their butts thoroughly kicked with the “orange theory\" workout that uses high-tech science and high intensity interval training (or \"HIIT\") to burn fat – FAST!!  SUBSCRIBE for MORE ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverStyle Watch MORE Get Jacked ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REUeBZpBkLQ&list=PLdq0S7aHzzph7kOaNfZ1k0ATntyqw_hlN  Maybe you’ve seen them in your town, maybe you’ve even been to one…but seriously, WTF is the ORANGE THEORY?!   This woman-owned biz and its trendy AF group workout has been making its way to cities all over the world – so you know we had to try it on Get Jacked!!  The \"Orange Theory\" is pretty simple: by achieving your MAX heart rate, apparently you\'ll keep burning calories even after the exercise is over!! Magic?? Science?? Who knows.  During the circuit training, instructors monitor our heart rate to keep it pumping as much as humanly possible!! How?? Oh, only with a fitness blender of floor exercises, treadmill cardio, weight lifting, row machine, etc...basically, #RIPBodies.    ORANGE you glad we got to experience this?? HAHAHAHA....jk.  Thanks for watching the return of GET JACKED!!  Boxing Fitness ►► https://youtu.be/REUeBZpBkLQ Electric Shock Workout ►► https://youtu.be/JJpBeRMogNw Hip Hop Dance ►► https://youtu.be/iPLhFT29fB4 Cirque Du Soleil ►► https://youtu.be/ybaXkTMjgC8  TALK TO US ABOUT THE EPISODE!  http://twitter.com/erinrobinson  https://twitter.com/jarrettsleeper  http://instagram.com/erinrobinson  https://www.instagram.com/jarrett_sleeper  For More Clevver: http://www.clevver.com Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/Clevver Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverTV Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver Add us to your circles on Google+: http://google.com/+ClevverTV Find us on Snapchat: ClevverTV  This is a sponsored video.' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , Weight loss , Trends , cardio workout , work out , funny , blender , hiit workout , hiit , fitness blender , high intensity interval training , hiit cardio , crossfit , Weird , clevver , working out , random , Fitness vlog , Orange Theory , Orangetheory Fitness , row machine , clevver style , fitness trends , fitness show , hiit workout with weights , hiit workout treadmill , orangetheory class , orangetheoryfitness , orange theory workout , funny workout , get jacked , beauty trippin clevver

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